Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Imperfections=Best Friends

I must confess that I don’t like at all how now a days, your so called “friends” don’t behave like friends. Real friends are the ones who are always there for you no matter what, supporting your decisions, respecting your opinions and your way of being. There will always be “friends” like this; fake friends. I say it because I have experienced it myself. Fake friends replace you, hide things from you, have secrets, and criticize you behind your back. Maybe sometimes I am included on that “fake friend list”, but I am determined to change and I hope that my friends are also willing to.

It was actually very funny, that time when we were at the bowling alley, and two of my friends, including me, were talking. One of them was telling us about this “rumor” they had heard, and the so-called “rumor” was about one of our friends. I could see the interest in their eyes, and I surely wanted to know, too; but I supposed that if it had been SO important then our friend, who was involved in the rumor, would have told us.

Then another one of our friends (the one who had spread the rumor first) came into our conversation and started yelling at my friend who was telling me the story. She told her to stop telling other people (which meant she didn’t want me or my other friend to know) or she would get in so much trouble! I got really tired.

“OMG! We are all so stupid!!!” I finally said, desperate. “I hate it when we keep secrets! If we are really friends, we should share everything and not hide things from the rest of us. If you don’t want people to know, then don’t tell anybody, as simple as that. You can ask her if it’s true, and I bet she’ll tell you, but you don’t have to talk about her behind her back.”

By this time, my friend (who had to do with this rumor), had joined our conversation. She laughed as I said this to my other friends. She always finds fun in everything. I had gotten really mad because my group of friends tends to keep secrets between each other. But I guess that now, you can’t really change the fact that this happens in every group. I really can’t complain about my friends, because regarding their imperfections, they all are like sisters to me.         

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