Monday, March 5, 2012

June, I Miss You

Dear June,

         How are you? It seems like ages elapsed since I last saw you; 20 years seems more than a lifetime. How are you doing with Neil? I miss both of you so much! I hope you are doing great, and please, let me see you sometime soon. The pink house is so bizarre without May –after the calamity- and then without you. 
         I know we always had dissensions in mostly everything when I first got to Tiburon –and I still remember the time I was about to touch Black Mary’s heart but passed out because it seemed that you hated me; it was impossible to get along with you. But something that will also stay in my mind forever is rolling on the floor next to you, laughing under the shining sun –the moment when we finally became friends. I apprehended then why we couldn’t get along, you thought we were TOO different, but in that moment you realized we were two girls laughing at the same thing –we were actually very alike.
         I knew the moment to get along with each other had to come. I tried to be meticulous near you, but you always found something wrong. And surprisingly, I find myself thanking you for that because it made me stronger. You made me a better person, June; in many ways.
         Things are fine, let’s say perfect, here in the pink house –only August and I; and the bees and black Mary. It’s not that their company isn’t enough –I love them all- but I miss the times when we were all together. Sometimes Rosaleen and Zach come visit. Now I can be with Zach whenever I want. I interrogate them every time they come, don’t be amazed if the next time I see you I do the same. I miss them terribly, too.
         The days are sweltering, but beautiful, and we usually go out and watch the bees getting lost in their secret life of honey making. August is very proud of me because I’ve become a writer. She lionizes me sometimes, and Zach and Rosaleen do too. But I tell them I’m the same Lily, no need for exaggeration.
I’ve been writing mainly about my life. How everything came to be what it is –it’s interesting if you put it all together. About my many mothers –including you. That’s one of the reasons I need to see you again. The other one is that I miss you. I anxiously await a response.

Lily Owens    

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